Postado em: 16/11/2017 14:19:00 por Equipe ConsertaSmart
Reviews of Apple's next generation iPhone X have started appearing online, and for the most part, critics have showered praise on the product.
"The iPhone X is clearly the best iPhone ever made," wrote Nilay Patel for The Verge.
"It's thin, it's powerful, it has ambitious ideas about what cameras on phones can be used for, and it pushes the design language of phones into a strange new place," he added.
The phone is so impressive, it almost seems unreal, Patel suggested. "At a glance, the iPhone X looks so good one of our video editors kept saying it looked fake."
A Better Way
Because the X departs from other iPhones in a number of ways, some fans of the product line may balk at buying it. Those fans need not worry, advised Lance Ulanoff in his Mashable review.
"The iPhone X changes the iPhone experience, but for the most part those changes are for the better," he wrote.
"I'm positive that those fearing the loss of the home button will forget about its absence 48 hours -- tops -- after buying the phone. Face ID and gestures are better, more convenient ways [to] unlock and do basic tasks on the phone," Ulanoff continued.
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